Paying tribute to Kitty Monahan aka “Mayor of New Almaden”

January 4, 2024

A beloved figure in the community, Kathleen “Kitty” Monahan died last year at the age of 89, but her legacy will live on at Almaden Quicksilver County Park. Visitors to the park may notice a new trailmarker dedicated to Monahan, who was instrumental in Santa Clara County’s purchase and preservation of the 4,000-acre park.

Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury seeks volunteers

December 29, 2023

Applications are now being accepted to serve on Santa Clara County’s 2024-25 Civil Grand Jury. The Civil Grand Jury acts as the County's civil watchdog agency, empowered to investigate all facets of county and city government, special districts, and school districts. The deadline to submit the application is March 29, 2024.

December 2023, Newsletter

December 28, 2023

Read about support for increasing mammography access, reflections on 2023 and housing developments using Measure A funds. Catch up on the youth mental health resources, ArtNow exhibit submission opportunities and District Five on social.

County helps make camp more inclusive

December 21, 2023

A Santa Clara County grant to Camp Via West helped provide camp facility renovations, including critical accessibility modifications for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The camp used County funding for the renovation of a sports field, which includes ADA-compliant bathrooms, storage for sports equipment, and a concession stand to provide food and water for campers and spectators at the sports field.

Measure A funding brings more affordable housing to North County

December 13, 2023

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted to invest up to $31.4 million in three affordable housing developments in North County, with funding largely drawn from the Measure A Affordable Housing Bond voters approved in 2016. The Board also approved the real estate purchase of 1265 Montecito Avenue in Mountain View for the development of Montecito Multifamily Apartments, another Measure A-funded affordable housing development.

Supervisors push for “real access” to mental health care

December 12, 2023

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors directed County staff to pursue County sponsorship and support of legislative and regulatory strategies to address gaps in achieving mental health parity. The Board’s action came in response to a proposal by County Supervisors Joe Simitian and Cindy Chavez that seeks to push commercial health insurers to ensure that people seeking coverage for mental health care can access treatment as easily as people seeking coverage for medical treatment.

Supervisors push early detection in fight against breast cancer

December 6, 2023

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors reinforces its commitment to the early detection of breast cancer and specifically addressing the imaging needs of patients with dense breast tissue. On a proposal from County Supervisors Joe Simitian and Sylvia Arenas, the Board directed County staff to take action in early 2024 with options to improve the availability of diagnostic imaging to County residents.

Understanding Our Kids: Youth Mental Health and the Road to Resilience

December 5, 2023

Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian held a panel discussion that brought together experts in the mental health field as well as youth mental health advocates. Titled, “Understanding Our Kids: Youth Mental Health and the Road to Resilience,” the discussion focused on how to identify and prevent a mental health crisis, the availability of County and community mental health services for families in crisis, and the benefits of peer-to-peer support systems.

Supervisors fund North County health clinic

December 5, 2023

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approve $18.5 million allocation for North County health clinic improvements. It will be the first North County health clinic to be established.